7 Porn Facts
I love porn and I love statistics. I love the podcast Girls On Porn where they talk about porn and also statistics. So here are some fast facts about prrrrrrn.
1. 25% of all search engine requests are related to sex, approx. 68 million a day.
Honestly the stuff I have to google…
Me getting ready to log in to Deep Lush. Alternatively, me getting ready to fuck with my FBI agent.
2. A new porn filmed is created in the U.S. every 39 minutes
Does not surprise me in the least.
I haven’t seen Orgazmo in SO LONG. I wonder how problematic it is… STWJ does film reviews??
3. On Feb 1 2009, Comcast cable accidentally aired 37 seconds of porn during Super Bowl XLIII
Me deciding I am into football
4. Porn revenue is larger than all professional basketball, baseball and football franchises – combined. ALSO is more than the combined revenues of ABC, CBS and NBC ($6.2 billion).
This one actually surprised me… that ABC, CBS and NBC only have a combined revenue of 6.2 billion… mostly… but also professional basketball, baseball and football?? Wow! I have spent more money on sports shit than I have porn and I love porn and fucking hate sport. I mean I pay for my porn but sports merch is expensive, I have the foam finger to prove it (let’s go Nets!).
Me watching a Brooklynette running, jumping on a trampoline and dunking a basketball IN HEELS.
5. The exhibition or sale of x rated films is a criminal offence in all 6 states of Australia, though it’s chill in NT and ACT.
Sales repping in adult stores was a part of my job for a really long time so I actually knew this. Plus cannabis is basically legal in the ACT. Fucking politicians.
6. A survey of Hilton, Marriot, Hyatt, Sheraton, and Holiday Inn hotels found that almost 70% of their room service profits come from porn movies.
I want to know the quality of porn available in hotels.. also what’s the breakdown of the guest? what is their mini bar bill like?
7. Countries with the easiest access to hardcore porn have the lowest sex-crime rates in the world.
Never been less surprised though I feel like this could be taken the wrong way that all people who like hardcore porn are destined to be sexual offenders, which is not true.
I took out a lot of facts pertaining to specific aggregates because.. I dunno, I wanted to. It’s my blog I can do what I want. There is a whole website (that I love) dedicated to it. The thing with aggregates though is you don’t know where the porn is coming from. Who the actors are, if it was a safe environment, properly paid etc.
Please check out my list here of ethical porn sites and info on The Clit List, a resource that reviews and recommends sexual media for people who have experienced sexual violence.