How To: Cleanse & Protect Your Energy
Img source Unsplash / Alfred Kenneally
We are always up here waves hand above and around head, we worry and we plan and we over think, that all happens up here motions back to head. When we’re “up here” its easy to lose sight on what’s happening to us, not realising how much energy we’re putting out, how much energy people are taking from us, how much negative energy we are taking in from others. It is important to come back down to earth and check in on ourselves before we burn out. I’ve gathered the following techniques over years of therapy, meditation classes, spiritual council and of course pinterest and I wanted to share because clearing and protecting your energy is vital for your mental health.
If you don’t, you can still protect yourself but I think it is so, so important to know yourself. Be self aware, listen to your gut. Know when to take a step back and re-asses yourself. Know when you’re not ok and when to ask for help. Know when to enforce your boundaries.
BOUNDARIES ARE SO EFFING IMPORTANT! I am writing a whole article on them but it is taking me a long time because I have so much to say but for now I will keep it short. Boundaries are the rules you set for how you treat yourself, how you treat others and how others treat you. It is your gateway to self care, self love and self respect and can be as simple as saying no. I will post some resources for boundaries soon.
Cutting chords is basically cutting the emotional ties to someone or something that is no longer serving you. Sounds like a negative thing but it isn’t, I recently had my chords cut professionally because some people had their claws in deep. I still love those people and I still think of them fondly but they no longer have a negative emotional hold over me. Having my chords cut also made me feel more powerful in my boundaries, they were, after all, created from lack of boundaries.
This next bit is where I flex my spiritual muscles, so if you’re not into that, skip ahead. Next time you’re visualising, grounding, meditating… breathing add this exercise, speak to the universe, call upon your guides, this doesn’t have to be out loud.
I call upon my spirit guides and ask for your help. Please help me let go and heal by cutting any chords that are no longer serving my highest purpose. I ask that all chords attached to me that are not aligned with love, light and positivity be released. I ask you surround me in your healing light and protect me from any energy that does not serve my greatest good and any future attachments. So mote it be.
Visualising, I think is an underrated tool, but I am biased because it is one of my favourite things to do. I do the waterfall every day in the shower, morning and night and I do the bubble in the morning after my shower. They are a part of my routine, washing my body, washing my energy, doing my skin care routine, putting on my bubble.
When I am in the shower I stand under the water and close my eyes and imagine I am under a waterfall. The water is purifying and almost has a glow to it, it washes away all of the spent energy, all self doubt and negativity. Feel the stagnant energy leaving your body. As the water absorbs into your skin, you start to glow. You are full of the light of the universe.
Imagine a bubble of light surrounding you. The bubble protects you from all unwanted energy, it deflects all that is not beneficial to you. This is your divine suit of armour.
FUN FACT: Sometimes if I am struggling and I haven’t put on my bubble that day, I imagine The Battle of Hogwarts, everyone putting up protective charms and the magical barrier that gets made
Being mindful is really just about being aware of the moment and grounding is realigning yourself with the energy of the earthly plane. There is a science behind grounding but I’m not a scientist so…
Stop what you’re doing and breathe, pay attention to your breath. Focus on the cooling sensation of inhaling through your nose. Feel your lungs expand. Exhale, feel the warming sensation of breathing out and let your shoulders drop. Do this at least 3 times.
Massage yourself in different parts of your body, doesn’t have to be sexual… just pay attention. Press and knead your thumb down your arms, your feet, your legs, what can you feel? How does it feel? What is the sensation in your finger tips? Get back in tune with your body.
Go outside, take off your shoes and stand on the earth (grass, dirt, sand whatever), do the breathing technique above and visualise roots growing out of your feet and planting you in the ground. They grow deeper and deeper into the earth. You can feel the energy from Mother Nature absorbing into your roots, pulsing and slowly climbing up into your feet, ankles, up your legs, up your torso and into your spine, in your arms and up your neck and into your crown. You are one with the earth.
If you have tried any of the exercises above - congrats! I count those as a form of meditation, so you’re basically there! I love meditating but it can be so hard to shut the chatter out. I listen to guided meditations almost every day, concentrating on your breath and someone’s voice is much easier than just trying to be quiet on your own. I listen mainly on YouTube but Spotify also has a million and one choices. You can find any topic too, releasing stress, negativity, getting over a breakup (my personal jam). When you meditate you use a different part of your brain that you do for sleep but you can find meditations that are specifically made for sleep time almost like a hypnosis session. These are great because you just fall asleep and the work gets done for you subconsciously.
FUN FACT: When I am going through a time of stress it manifests physically, one “symptom” being I clench my jaw while I sleep. A couple of months ago I was sick of being sad and started sleeping to “releasing past relationships” hypnosis/meditations and every morning I would wake up with a sore jaw, the nights I listened to something else I would wake up fine. I finally got my chords cut and whaddaya know... no more lock jaw.
I love my therapist, she saved my life and she is a fucking badass. I know myself and I know my boundaries and I know when to take a step back and ask for help. I’m not saying you need to see a psychologist but fuck it, you should. Do you know how incredibly cathartic it is to talk to someone who has no ties to your life, listens and gives advice without judgment ??? Therapy will set you free.
Open the curtains and windows
Spend time in your sacred space
Listen to music
Have some alone time
Walk on the beach
Have a cup of herbal tea
Smudge your space
Craft or colour in