12 Things About Me
It is 12 days until Christmas and I am kicking off the countdown with a post about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I picked 12 questions out of an article called “interview questions to ask a celebrity”. Let’s do it!
1 What do you like to do in your spare time?
I work full time for my family business Love in Leather, I am studying counselling and I have Sex Talk, so I don’t really have “spare” time, It’s more so, when my eyes can’t handle looking at a computer screen any longer. When that happens, I like to be creative. Sewing, beading, weaving, drawing, painting... anything I can put my hands to. I do also set time aside to meditate and next year I am doing a pottery class.
2 Who is your celebrity crush?
OWEN. OWEN GREY. I am in love with Owen Grey. Also, Phil Torres. Jason Segel. Greg Davies. Honestly though, the lengths I would go to fuck Owen Grey… I scare myself.
3 Would you date a fan?
Not sure, that’s a tricky one. How obsessed with me are they? Owen Grey, date me, I am obsessed with you.
Owen.. heart eyes for days.
Phil Torres, he has a net because he is capturing my heart and also he is a biologist..
4 What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have Misophonia, so a lot of sounds really fucking irk me. Even if something is too loud, all of a sudden I can get really mad about it… Also when people are inconsiderate, it really gets under my skin.
5 What is your favourite movie?
My favourite directors are Wes Anderson and Baz Luhrmann and their movies fill me with absolute joy but my favourite? I think that I could watch Strictly Ballroom every day for the rest of my life. I love everything about it. I want my tombstone to read “Fran, beginner dancer”. I think that it is THE perfect film. New steps new steps new steps.
Thank you Fran, for giving us “ya nuthin but a gutless wunda” .
6 What is the best / worst purchase you’ve ever made?
I have a lot of stuff, things, but I truly love all of it. It makes me so happy. And I know I always hold shit up to my sister and am like “best thing I ever bought” but I honestly can’t think of one of those things right now. But I guess the dumbest thing I have spent money on, but I still love, my roller skates. My second pair, to be exact. The first pair I put on once, didn’t use them then sold them. Then I decided I wanted to learn again so I got another pair. I’ve worn them at least twice so it’s fine.
7 What pet would you like to have?
As SOON as I get a house, I am going to rescue a dog and I want three polish frizzles. I follow the hashtag polish frizzle on Instagram and it has seriously improved my mental health.
8 What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
I literally slipped on a banana peel once. When I was little a bunch of us kids were playing in a pile of bricks and when we saw a mouse and the kids started throwing bricks at it, I ran in the way and got hit in the face with a brick and I still have a scar on my forehead. When I was 18 or 19, I went on a cruise and on “Tropical Night”, I dislocated my knee doing the time warp. I’ve lived with this injury ever since. A couple of years ago I was walking to my car and when I stopped walking, my ankle gave out. Turns out, I somehow managed to break one of my ankle bones and “obliterate” a ligament, surgeon’s words, not mine. My ankle is still pudgy and will forever have “floating debris”. I have injured myself in so many dumbs ways, my sister used to sing Dumb Things but would change the lyrics to “she’s done all the dumb things”.
9 What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?
That I was worthless. Keep it light Jordan! When my mum and step dad (he is from Sydney) started dating, for some reason he had a piece of mail at our house. My sister told me that there was an escaped murderer from Sydney spotted in Brisbane and his name was X Y. So later on I saw this piece of mail and picked it up and it was addressed to mums new boyfriend, with his full name, X Y. Also in an argument she told me that Dad misspelt my name on his tattoo but when I looked to Mum for confirmation that my sister was just being cruel, mum was like… awkwarrddd… because it was true.
10 What’s the most useless talent you have?
I can hold my hands, behind my back and put then over my head to the front of my body, without letting go. I don’t know how to explain it, I saw it on ‘Hey Hey its Saturday’ and decided I wanted to try it. Also, I can pop my shoulder in and out of its socket. Also, I am really good at making lemon curd. But that isn’t useless.
11 What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a quadruple threat, singer/actor/dancer/psychologist. I basically hit the nail on the head with that one.
12 When did you realise you wanted to play your sport at the pro level? Wait… When do you plan to retire?
Ok, So I have thought a lot about retirement, not the age but what I am going to do when I retire. I want to volunteer as a tour guide at a haunted location. Because honestly that’s one of my dream jobs. When I was in San Diego I went to Whaley House and heard the tour guide talking about how she sees ghosts all the time and I was like… jeaaalousss.
Also, this has nothing to do with the fact that I want to have sex with a ghost.