Pronouns 101

We use pronouns every day, most of the time without even thinking about it, but what is a pronoun?

There are 5 different types of pronouns but honestly, I didn’t do great in high school English so I am not going to say anything other than this – Personal pronouns are words used when referring to a person instead of using their name. Most of the time, these words have an implied gender. Assuming someone’s gender or identity can be disrespectful and/or harmful.

How do I know what someone’s pronoun is? Ask, duh.

 Asking and using someone’s correct pronoun can;
Show respect
Let the person know they are valid and accepted
Help create a safe space

Using your own pronouns, when introducing yourself, on your social media, on your email signature, etc/, can normalise asking and make it easier for others to share theirs.

Feeling awkward in the moment of asking, is better than assuming and being wrong.

The four most common pronouns;

 He / him / his / himself

She / her / hers / herself

They / them / their / theirs / themselves

Ze (or zie) / hir / hirs / hirself (usually pronounced zee and here)

Some people may prefer to only be referred to by their name. Others may use a mix ex. She / they.

Ask, and always respect pronouns.

Jordan Hill

She/Her. Passionate about sexual health & education.

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